Senin, 02 November 2015

Network Marketing Is NOT The Business For The 21st Century

 Take responsibility for your finances or get used to taking orders for the rest of your life.  You’re either a master of money or a slave to it. Your choice.  [Read more] 
 Network Marketing Is NOT The Business For The 21st Century

If you are new to business and in particular network marketing then "welcome". You are the right place, we strongly believe that building a network marketing business is one of the smartest things you can do your time and money in today economy.

In order for you to be really successful in network marketing, it is important to understand why you should even borther. The truth is that it takes time, effort and energy to bulid a business. Most people are quite comfortable with where they are, so why bother?

Below are the top 20 reasons why starting a network marketing business right now is one the smartest things you can do, but first we must understanding that we are now living in a new age. " The information age". Living in the information age. For the last 2000 years of human history, we lived in the "Agrarian age". This was a time when it was all about farming. Whoever owned the farms and the land, controlled the wealth.

In the 20th Century, we moved in a new age called the "Industrial Age". The first big corporate giants including Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford, with their huge steel and car companies dominated the business world it was whoever owned the factories that controlled the wealth.

From the year 2000 onwards, with the rise of the internet we moved in to a new age. " The information age". Today, companies like twitter and facebook are changing the business world. Today, it is about building and owning networks. This has levelled the playing filed, there has never been a better time in history to build and own your business. Are you set to take advantage?

Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Selasa, 21 Juli 2015

7 Kisah Cinta

  • Cinta Pertama
Cinta pertama umunya merupakan langkah awal untuk memisahkan diri dari orang tua dan menjadi diri sendiri. Dalam situasi apapun, cinta pertama kita adalah objek transisi, seseorang yang cocok dengan kebutuhan khusus kita saat itu. Cinta pertama itu memang indah dan tak bisa dilupakan, tetapi tidak jarang juga, cinta pertama tetap berkembang ke arah yang sama.
  • Cinta Sang Penyelamat

Kisah cinta ini sangat menyenangkan jika si wanita memilih pasangan yang pantas menerima segala usahanya dan jiwa si wanita tidak memerlukan si pria untuk menjadi penyelamatnya. Kalau selama ini kita rela berkorban dan memberikan apapun untuk si dia yang sedang kesusahan tanpa rasa pamrih, bukan tidak mungkin, aksi penyelamatan itu kita lakukan dengan harapan kita bakal mendapatkan balasan kasih sayang dari si dia. Dengan kata lain menolong si dia berarti menolong diri kita sendiri. Kisah penyelamatan bisa juga berubah menjadi bumerang yang dapat menghancurkan diri kita sendiri. Contohnya bila kita selalu pasrah menghadapi si dia yang ringan tangan. Kita takut kalau kita bakal melukaisi dia kalau kita meninggkannya, sementara kalau dibiarkan, kondisi malah bisa menghancurkan diri kita sendiri.
  • Cinta Pembimbing

Kebanyakan diri kita (wanita) ingin mendapatkan pasangan yang bisa memberi pengetahuan praktis tentang segalanya. Pasangan yang juga bisa jadi guru seseorang yang kita kagumi dan yang dapat menolong kita mengembangkan bakat potensi kita sendiri. Syukur-syukur kalau kita bisa menemukan orang yang tepat seperti yang kita harapkan. Jika tidak, harapkan, yang terlalu besar bisa kita jadi terlalu banyak menuntut. Hasilnya? Hubungan cinta malah berantakan?
  •  Cinta Segitiga

Tidak jarang wanita cenderung tertarik dengan pria yang sudah terikat, atau sebaliknya wanita yang gemar berpetualang cinta setelah terikat. Kenyataannya, kata terikat menimbulkan tantangan dan godaan yang tidak bisa dilepas, ditepis. Apalagi bila hubungan cinta yang dimiliki tidak mulus-mulus. Memang sih, tidak ada salahnya untuk sekali-sekali berpikir bahwa kita juga berhak untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan. Terperangkap antara keinginan dan kenyataan memang sulit, tapi daripada mencari masalah baru, mengapa tidak menyelesaikan masalah yang lama dulu?
  •  Cinta Minus Usaha

Tidak selamanya kita bisa mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan tanpa usaha. Banyak orang yang malas berusaha dalam cinta. Mereka berpikir bahwa cinta akan datang tanpa dicari. 
"Kalau memang jodoh, nanti juga ketemu, kok." 
Tapi bagaimana kita bisa live happily ever after dengannya kalau kita jual mahal untuk tidak mau memulai menelpon duluan? Cinta sejati tidak selamanya datang membawa kebahagiaan begitu juga yang menghampiri kita pada kenyataan-nya kesempatan kita untuk mencintai seseorang bisa lenyap bila kita tidak berani mengambil langkah pasti.
  • Cinta Berbeda Status
Banyak wanita yang mendambakan pria dengan status sosial yang lebih tinggi. Tapi perbedaan status sosial yang terlalu 'jomplang' kadang kala bisa bikin salah satu pihak merana, bila ikatan emosional di antara keduanya kurang kuat. Lingkungan juga memberikan pengaruh yang cukup besar pada kisah cinta model Cinderella bila kita sering diperlakukan tidak adil dan merasa ini dengan kehidupan mereka yang status soalnya lebih tinggi, bukan diri dengan merebut cinta seseorang yang berasal dari golongan tersebut.
  •  Cinta Obsesif
Seseorang bisa terobsesi dengan cinta baginya dengan memiliki orang dicintainya, dia akan mendapatkan apa yang selama ini dia dambakan. Sayangnya, tidak selamanya segala sesuatu berjalan mulus. Karena merasa hidupnya tergantung pada hubungannya dengan orang yang dicintainya,dia menolak kenyataannya bahwa cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan Dia yakin akan tiba saatnya dia mendapatkan kembali cinta itu. Kalau kita mengalami model cinta seperti ini, cobalah menghadapi kenyataan dengan melakukan hal-hal yang bisa membuat kita menghargai diri sendiri, bertemu orang-orang baru yang bisa membuka pikiran kita, serta menambah wawasan dengan hal diluar masalah kita.


Minggu, 19 Juli 2015

[Summary Film] 3 Idiots

Hidup adalah sebuah perlombaan, jika Anda tidak cukup cepat, maka Anda akan diinjak-injak. Begini lah kalimat yang di ucapkan dari film 3 idiot, Saya sangat terkesan dengan film ini karena film ini mengajarkan tentang bagaimana kita bisa memiliki sistem pendidikan yang benar dimana kita juga bisa memiliki banyak unsur edukasi. Pemikiran seperti tokoh dalam film 3 idiot yaitu Rancho, dia berpikir agar bisa memperbaiki SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) dari suatu negara dan juga sistem pendidikan yang ada di negara kita. Dia berkata 
"Jangan Berhenti Untuk Belajar." 
Tanpa belajar kita tidak akan bisa maju dalam menggapai kesukessan kita. Universitas adalah dasar kita menimbah ilmu yang lebih luas dan lebih mendalam bukan mengajarkan hal-hal yang tidak baik sehingga itu membuat kita menjadi tertekan. Tidak mudah untuk menggapai sebuah kesuksesan tetapi jika kita mau berusaha kita pasti bisa. Seperti kalimat yang saya dapatkan setelah menonton film 3 idiot adalah 
"Menghafal memang menghemat 4 tahun masa kuliah kita, tapi justru akan menghancurkan 40 tahun masa kerja kita nantinya."
Pahamilah secara lebih dekat, karena otak manusia bukanlah mesin dan ilmu bukanlah manuscript. Membangun sebuah bisnis itu mudah saja ketika kita membangun itu berdasarkan apa yang telah menjadi passion/ hobby kita dan jika kita tidak mau dianggap bodoh atau direndahkan orang lain maka kita harus mampu menunjukan kalau kita juga bisa lebih dari mereka. Belajar dan berusaha itu juga merupakan kunci kesuksesan, meskipun terlihat idot namun jika kita bisa menciptakan suatu karya yang penuh inovasi maka orang yang melihat tidak akan menganggap rendah lagi.

Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Difficult to love my father

There is no one moment in my memory that shows that my father has an important role in my life.
In times of my growth, and certainly not by the time I became a rebellious teenager. My father was always busy with his work, struggling to make a living to support our families. At that moment, I could not understand why he was too busy to accompany me. I respect him, but I didn't love her.

Of course that doesn't mean I always fight with my father. Actually, there are also unpleasant times we spent together, for example, when our family out to dinner or get together with relatives when there is a party celebration. However, behind all that stored distaste, that comes out every time we quarreled. We argue about the value of my test bad, about my inability to do the simplest thing he asked about how dad doesn't understand me, and about the painful words. As a result, our relationship became more distant.

When my father reached the age of 50 years, we found that he was suffering from advanced cancer.
For two years, my father tried all kinds of treatments, both Western and Eastern medicine, but in vain. My father finally gave up, but in the condition it was I wasn't give a damn. I continue to harbor bitterness in our hearts and have virtually no sympathy for him. A few months after deciding not to undergo any treatment, my father died.  I didn't cry at all during the time of keeping the his remains and the funeral takes place.

A week after the funeral, I took the bus and saw the passengers lively conversation with someone sitting next to. As he took a seat, I remembered my father who used to sit next to me, laughing, he joked, his words, his smile, and the times that I miss him at dinner. Suddenly felt my cheeks warm and wet. By the time I climbed on the bus a conversation with some people in the bus brought me goodness and sacrifice that the father has given me in the days she was still alive. I hurriedly got off the bus, sitting on the edge of the road, and for the first time after my father died, I burst into tears.
I began to regret the mistakes I've done, I cry over my father but it was useless, I know it is too late, but at the time I recall my heart would melt because given that he will never come back again.

That night, I told my mother about what happened in the way home. Mother then tells how the ropes are sometimes ridiculous, my father had attempted such a way as to make up for lost time when I was a teenager. He did his best to get involved with things that interest me, but I even consider going to interfere in my business and it makes me even to maintain bitterness against what my father did to me. Really I would regret all of this I can not even see what is really the love of a father for his son.

To this day, the memory of my father is still attached at the back of my mind, including utterances that first I did not understand or I consider "junk". I also now realize how my anger has become a barrier to relationships with people who have been seeking the best for me. I was too imperious to respond to it, until I, too, failed to apply the advice of the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:26 Where the contents of Ephesians 4:26 is "If you are angry, don't sin: do not let your anger sunset"

Maybe I will never again be able to see my father, because until the end of his life he didn't believe in Christ. However, if one day God gave me a chance to see it again, I'll tell him what I could never say during his life: "I love you, Dad."

This article is drawn from : [read more] Susahnya Mencintai Ayahku  The Indonesian version

Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Today Quotes

Indonesia Version : Mulailah Memberi

If nobody compassion in your difficulties.
Or, no one wants to celebrate your success.
Or nobody is willing to listen, look, pay attention to anything on yourself.
Don't enter into the heart.
Human beings are always preoccupied with his own affairs.
Humans mostly prioritize its own interests.
You don't need to enter it into the heart.
Because only be stifling and burdening your step.
Lighten your life by giving to others.
The more you give the more you take life easy.

Stand in front of the window.
Look out.
Ask yourself, what can you give to this world.
There must be a strong reason why you are present here.
Not to whine or ask your flattering world.
Your existence is not for vanity.
Even a worm was turned to loosen the soil.
And, a stone compacted to withstand the mountain.
How great you with all the strength that is not owned by anyone to change the world.
It is only realized if you want to give it.

Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

[Story Article] Family like this

An offhand remark that comes out of the mouth of a husband "The biggest mistake in life is to marry you!" very often I hear my parents were saying that sentence since I was in kindergarten. Quarrel even hit each of them often occur right in front of my eyes and my brothers. Almost every day we have to be a mouthpiece or in the sense of channeling messages when they need to communicate with each other.When I was stepping twelve years, my parents finally decided to split up and out of the house.

"Don't heeded. that's their business." That is the thinking in the face of my childhood my parents have to 'divorce' house. However, along with increasing age, I began to realize, this becomes a bigger problem than what I think. At first I tried to care about this, but it is not possible for me not to care. Because I was in this matter! I was getting frustrated. "Family" became a topic that I always avoid in conversations with my friends. I tried to remove the word in my mind. One day I was invited to go by my friend's family and we were off to ride along. I listened to them talking and joking as usual, and then suddenly a warm feeling enveloped my heart. Unwittingly I silently crying and somehow I also feel happy, sad, and concerned with myself. And then I said to myself, "Oh, here's a name like family..." I was trying to look back at my own family conditions, there I was very disappointed. I'm angry and even I hate everyone in my family, I'm not trying to hide my feelings were. Because so upset, I was unwittingly also have issued all what the mind and my emotions to my friends so that they had also started away from me and consider me as being very annoying. Seeing that I was tired of living with my family, but I also can not go anywhere. It seemed a long time I could be crazy!

After three years my parents split up, I started not comfortable staying at home. I used to go to school is definitely on a motorcycle but now I started to go home walk sightseeing on the grounds that no sooner arrived home. The only reason I came home was to sleep at night. Until one day, a friend invited me to go to church together. At first I refused but my friend never cease to persuade and encourage me to want to go to church just once. He even said today is a special day and I guarantee you certainly will not return in vain. Finally I also welcome the invitation but with a heart that was not ready and is still in disarray. I also had time to think, if I go then this would be a good reason for not being at home. Not long afterwards I heard that the church will hold a camp for three days. Well, three days is not at home! I said. Without thinking, I immediately told my friend to register myself as a participant of the camp.

It turns out for three days when I followed the camp, it really changed my life long a life that will never be the same again and that's where I know God who saved me. Through this camp I really changed I began to realize my sins and even at the same time I also found that forgiving love which God has given me. I feel very grateful. However, it does not mean life can be completely free of problems. Because there is no perfect human. After the camp I went back to the house and still I still have to face the 'war' is the same every day. It does not make me be a child who seems sweet, kind, and obedient. I also continued to wrestle with the characters that have been formed over a dozen years in me especially since I'm still not able to receive state family.

Those days is not easy, but God patiently held my hand when I often rebelled against Him. Until one day, I sit and reflect on the life and family are still in a state of disarray. That is where I began to realize that such a situation is not only experienced by the family alone. As I began to reflect on these things I will also be able to conclude that, all the family can not be separated from the problem is not only that but my friends and neighbors and even people who are religious or not religious, God's servants who serve full-time or not all of them for sure will not be separated from the problem. So certainly I am not the only person who only wrestled with the problem that I face but a lot of people around me who also face the 'war' may be similar and not infrequently there are up to their situation worse than me. What I experienced during this indeed has demonstrated the reality of the world that have been in sin.

I also realized, I did not choose to be born in a family where, God himself who picked out for me.
So does that mean he does not love me? He gave Jesus His only begotten Son, he gave up his life to save my soul, how could he not love me? He is a good Father and He would have a purpose to put me, his daughter here even though the goal was not entirely understand. The best thing I can do for myself is to accept completely the situation for myself and the family that God has prepared for me. Because the family is the altar of God.

The first step I would do is I'm trying to make peace with myself and tried to open my eyes. This year not much has changed from the family after ten this year but for me I had to see clearly the changes in myself. God has used the conditions to form my family, and I also learned to control my emotions in situations that can lead to anger. I learned to forgive even though there's no guarantee I will not be hurt again. I learned to love those who think the unlovely. God does not change my life to change my situation. He was let me experience everything that happens in the family is also what it means to despair that I may see him as the only hope in my life. He was too good to plan the crime and too wise to do wrong. In the wound, He provides healing, in tears, he provides comfort. (2 Corinth 1:3-4)
In all things, He has a purpose (romans 8:28-29). In all things, He gives strength (Philippians 4:13).

Link Indonesia Version

Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

How To Handle A Difficult Conversation

How Handle Difficult Conversation by James Caan Cbe

I Think it's safe to say that everybody has found themselves in a situation they don't want to be in at some point in their career. It takes just five words "can we have a chat" to immediately inspire butterflies, negative presumptions and nervous anticipantion.

Minggu, 10 Mei 2015

[Knowledge] Meaning of Eccedentesiast

Humans often don't look for problems to its foundations, many people in this world are now experiencing lifestyle. Eccedentesiast is a person who hides a lot of things with a smile, sometimes it is sad, traumatic and depression. Why is there a pattern like this?

Some say Eccedentesiast is hypocritical, isn't really accurate to say that is so. The eccedentesiast and most people often say they are strong, able to smile in sorrow or trouble them. That we don't think is what is healthy smile? People who are steadfast and strong in the face of problems or loss divided into two types, those who can let go of all their grief and decide to be happy while others are pretending to be happy. Like those who throw out the salt and salt they are consuming. They are throwing salt will not taste salty salt but those who ate the salt will taste the salty taste.

So is the problem, pretending to be happy is like ingesting salt. When people ask what you hold the salt, you can say no because of the salt you eat. But over time continue to eat salt to avoid people see you holding the salt will harm your health. Why are many people who prefer to smile even though she did not want to smile? It was a result of the social environment we are seeing that grief is taboo. When people see people are sad, they will require the person to look happy. Not because they care about the person, but for the satisfaction of his own heart to see people sad because it was not pleasant. Most mainstream sayings is, "How do you sad? Smiles wrote, so right now you add more beautiful."

Everyone has a period where she felt sick, sad, lost, disappointed and angry. That's not a bad thing, it is the journey of life so that they are getting stronger. Internalize it but don't deal with it will only lead to stress or depression for a long time. Amazingly, a eccedentesiast is a very good entertainer. The more people were injured, the smarter he please others. Although he cannot solve big problems hers, she could easily resolve the minor problems of others. There is a story about Eccedentesiast very famous, and very inspiring thought. Here's his story.

In the middle of a very busy city famous for a great clown in comforting others. The number of jobs, severe economic problems, and the problems of the metropolis made a lot of people who come to clown it just to enjoy the jokes and laughter made by a clown who is not known who the person behind the mask funny. On one day there was someone who came to the well-known psychiatrist, she tells some of the problems he faced until finally he said, "Why is the problem in the world is very difficult? Many I have to finish with myself, I was confused, I was frustrated in dealing with problems in this world, such as the endless problems that came to me ... "

The psychiatrist told him "You've yes in this city? What do you know, in the city center there is a very famous clown, he is good at making other people smile when they feel frustrated as you are, why do not you try to come to him, you will feel entertained." The psychiatrist's room was suddenly silent, the patient was silent, he looked down, and immediately the tears out of his eyes. "How can I be entertained by the clown?" he asked.

"What about? Why can not you comforted by it?" the psychiatrist began confused, because patients usually go straight to the clowns and entertainment, but not this one patient. "Because ..." the patient began to cry, he tried his powerful was saying, she tried to hold back tears and tightness in the chest, and said, "Because ... I was the clown ..."

Every person deserves to be happy, everyone has freedom in his life. There is no harm sad and crying, if momentary sadness that makes you become stronger and wiser. Makes you more appreciative of happiness. Acknowledge that you took care of yourself, before you say you'll be fine let yourself be entertained because you deserve happiness. He deserves love you.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

My secret

Hello Everyone!! I'm come back, yeah!

Today I want tell about my story, too many who want me to say, but this is my story.

I wonder where I would start a story, too much of that already I feel that what I feel that's also the experience of my life, but I learned from every experience I've been through. Here I believe to be a more mature both in attitude, the mind would also be deed. Not easy to live this life, this life is the life for me a very complicated for me to live too many challenges and obstacles that hinder me. But as time went on I met someone where he is part of my prayer also, because I prayed I would like to have someone who can I make as a friend and I wish he was a guy. Why guys? Because I want to, also can feel the beauty of friends or even a time when I could be her soulmate. In addition it turned out to vent with a guy much better than you vent with a girl, answer or solution that you accept whatever it will look different.

Don't forget this will turn again to ourselves each, to anyone we may confide but remember telling was the one who you believe and any answers or solutions that we receive, strain beforehand because there is of course also an answer or solution that you received can help you regardless of any stories that you tell. In the end my prayer was answered at God and I'm grateful. At the beginning we met it originated from me just to a friend's room and then because there is no work I was thinking to come to her room to ask for things that are not important. I've actually recognize him from our one Christian fellowship on campus. But we just know each other, or in other words you know me I know you. In fact, if it should be further acquainted like friends because they want to know each other.

The beginning of a difficult and strange when I begin to approach. Feels very awkward and stiff when start talking with him, I was in because it still has properties that bad when you first meet someone new. Shortly after it turned out he could find the atmosphere that initially looks very awkward and stiff. Long story short I was finally able to close and even in the short time he was the first to unfiltered he immediately assume and say I'm this match made in companions.

But it turns out what others say is true, if you had a friend a guy that can never be really you or he considers a friend forever. And it's true as time went on I liked him, but at the time I started to like him also immediately changed my attitude I started to love awkwardly and even I melt in an instant when he started to sing or he shows some works by him in making the lyrics songs.

Feeling that starts with liking can definitely end up with a sense of love. But I was trying to bury would guess that, because I also do not want the friendship which has started to be broken just because I like him, but he himself doesn't like me. Long story short it was not only my experience tells me that when I was chasing a love that is not possible I could get from people who are blind to my signal. Is my experience, or may have been past it hurts me? Yes very painful, on the one hand I had kept a profound expectations but on the other hand I did not want to be the one begging for love. More and more you chase me away that I used to feel.

But the past is only the past now I'm trying to get out of the past and start looking to the future to go ahead and move on. When I like people have become my best friend, he was also was like someone who turns out to be my own friend who also stayed one rental home with us. At first I was just introducing them mediocre, but time is running very fast. When they were finally going out, I have said before that my heart also to him. But alas, I wasn't her type and anyways I was only fit to be her friend.

Well that's the story of the love that I've been through so alone. But I always hope one day I can find my true love and when I have to get the right person I hope my love story with a happy ending can be. Then why I had said that life is hard? Because I have to live this life with a process that I enjoy are too long. Challenges and obstacles sometimes can not be run in accordance with the commitment, even 24 hours cann't be organized with maximum.

But finally I was made aware that life is not difficult to live. Just enjoy your life, enjoy the existing process. But remain always focused and remember what the priorities. The focus doesn't mean you will run in one direction only, but the focus of the course but a lot depends on you that determines the direction. I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings, even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't guarantee that others will be good people. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person. As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away.

Minggu, 05 April 2015

Beautiful story

Ini kisah ku, berawal dari keinginan besar ku yang sebenarnya itu tidak harus menjadi yang utama, namun bagiku itu lah yang utama.

Selama aku menjalani kehidupan terkhusus-nya selama semester 7 ini, aku banyak melewati dan mengalami roda kehidupan yang berganti mulus dan tidak mulus. Namun aku bersyukur untuk hal itu, Pada saat ini aku boleh bersyukur berkat dan pimpinan Tuhan masih menuntun dan membimbing ku hingga saat ini, aku boleh belajar bagaimana aku harus bisa bertahan melewati serta menjalani kehidupan yang berat apalagi kehidupan yang lebih sulit karena tinggal di luar kota. Di satu sisi bahagia karena aku dapat belajar bagaimana harus mandiri dan mengatur diri sendiri dengan lebih baik serta belajar untuk mau bertumbuh dan berkembang menjadi lebih dewasa serta mau dibentuk untuk berpikir secara kritis.

Tidak mudah untuk mampu bersosialisasi dengan baik di lingkungan yang berbeda, tapi bagi ku ini adalah pembelajaran yang harus aku pelajari jika aku mau maju. Satu hal yang aku bisa rasakan yaitu dengan kehadiran kelompok KTB (kelompok tumbuh bersama) yang telah kami bangun sejak awal masuk perkuliahan dan juga komunitas yang baik yang mendukung serta membangun pribadi ku hingga seperti ini. Aku sadar tidak mudah dan tidak gampang aku bisa bertahan serta mencari komunitas yang cocok, tetapi Tuhan membantu mengarahakan padaku memberikan aku petunjuk jalan agar aku bisa tetap lurus kepada jalan yang Tuhan kehendaki bagi ku.

Kisah demi kisah juga mulai aku bangun dan bentuk satu per satu. Hingga kini kisah demi kisah tersebut tidak bisa ku lupakan, karena bagi ku kisah demi kisah yang aku tulis dan yang aku gambar itu merupakan kisah yang memiliki sebuah kenangan yang terindah. Mungkin itu ada yang menyakitkan, membuat aku kecewa atau dikecewakan tetapi apa pun itu aku tetap bersyukur sudah boleh mengalami-nya. Satu demi satu kisah aku coba untuk mengingat dan berpikir andai saja itu bisa diulang aku mau berada dengan mengubah-nya menjadi sebuah kisah yang lebih bagus.

Kisah ku adalah pengalaman ku dan itulah membuat aku untuk belajar dari kisah-kisah yang telah terjadi agar ke depannya aku tidak jatuh di kisah yang sama. Satu kisah atau peristiwa yang membuat bagi ku ini adalah suatu kisah yang dahsayat yaitu, saat aku pergi bersama dengan dosen yang juga adalah pembimbing KTB ku, tidak jauh dari bulan ini awal bulan desember aku diajak untuk menemani beliau mempimpin khotbah di sebuah perusahaan. Disini aku melihat campur tangan Tuhan bekerja mengatur setiap rencana-rencana yang kami sebagai manusia buat namun belum di kehendaki oleh-Nya.

Awal keberangkatan kami terasa sangat lama karena macet dan sempat binggung akan alur-alur jalan yang diberikan. Aku membantu untuk mengarahkan meskipun aku sempat beberpa kali salah dalam mengarahkan jalan, namun pada akhirnya kami dapat tiba di lokasi dan Beliau pun juga masih mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mempimpin khotbah di perusahaan tersebut. Setelah semua selesai termasuk kami juga sempat makan siang bersama, akhirnya kami pun pulang dan inilah yang terjadi.

Dimulai dengan berpengang pada GPS yang ada smartphone ku, hingga akhirnya berpindah ke smartphone Beliau. Didalam perjalanan hujan badai datang menyerbu lalu membuat kami menjadi terhenti dan tidak fokus pada arah jalan disekitar jalan-jalan tol, kemudian Beliau pun mengambil jalan yang membawa pada kejadian yang bisa dibilang ini akan menjadi kejadi terindah yang pernah aku dan Beliau alami. Singkat cerita kami pun terjebak kemacetan panjang dan yang lebih parah kami terjebak di jalan-jalan yang terkena banjir karena hujan yang turun sangat-sangat deras, lalu kemudian belum sempat kami mendapat tempat yang agak tinggi untuk menepi sebentar air perlahan demi lahan masuk ke dalam mobil dan membuat kami sempat panik.

Namun didalam kepanikan yang kami alami itu tidak membuat kami menjadi hopeless menjadi pasrah begitu saja, segala cara mulai dikeluarkan di coba hingga akhirnya air di dalam mobil bisa di keluar kan sedikit demi sedikit. Pengalaman terindah yang pernah ada bagi ku jangan pernah tinggal terlalu lama di kepanikan yang kita alami, cobalah untuk tenang sejenak kalau perlu berdoa sejenak minta Tuhan memberikan hikmat agar kita bisa tahu juga langkah apa yang harus ambil di tengah-tenagh kepanikan yang kita alami. Pelajaran kedua yang bisa aku dapatkan adalah jangan pernah berdiam jika mengalami kebinggungan gunakan mulut untuk bertanya dan rendah hatilah dalam bertanya pada orang-orang mungkin akan merespon jawaban kita dengan kata-kata yang tidak enak.

Melihat masalah dan kejadian seperti ini aku melihat rencana yang sebelumnya telah diatur dengan baik namun jika tidak di kehendaki oleh Tuhan kita sebagai manusia harus bisa menerima dengan hati yang ikhlas.

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

John's Piper book "Doctrine Matters"

<< Summary >>

What does it mean for God to be who he is?

Here are ten points:

God’s absolute being means he never had a beginning. This staggers the mind. Every child asks, “Who made God?” And every wise parent says, “Nobody made God. God simply is. And always was. No beginning.”
God’s absolute being means God will never end. If he did not come into being, he cannot go out of being because he is being. He is what is. There is no place to go outside of being. There is only he. Before he creates, that’s all that is: God.
God’s absolute being means God is absolute reality. There is no reality before him. There is no reality outside of him unless he wills it and makes it. He is not one of many realities before he creates. He is simply there as absolute reality. He is all that was eternally. No space, no universe, no emptiness. Only God. Absolutely there. Absolutely all.
God’s absolute being means that God is utterly independent. He depends on nothing to bring him into being or support him or counsel him or make him what he is. That is what the words “absolute being” mean.
God’s absolute being means rather that everything that is not God depends totally on God. All that is not God is secondary, and dependent. The entire universe is utterly secondary. Not primary. It came into being by God and stays in being moment by moment on God’s decision to keep it in being.
God’s absolute being means all the universe is by comparison to God as nothing. Contingent, dependent reality is to absolute, independent reality as a shadow to substance. As an echo to a thunderclap. As a bubble to the ocean. All that we see, all that we are amazed by in the world and in the galaxies, is, compared to God, as nothing. “All the nations are as nothing before him, they are accounted by him as less than nothing and emptiness” (Isaiah 40:17).
God’s absolute being means that God is constant. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He cannot be improved. He is not becoming anything. He is who he is. There is no development in God. No progress. Absolute perfection cannot be improved.
God’s absolute being means that he is the absolute standard of truth and goodness and beauty. There is no law-book to which he looks to know what is right. No almanac to establish facts. No guild to determine what is excellent or beautiful. He himself is the standard of what is right, what is true, what is beautiful.
God’s absolute being means God does whatever he pleases and it is always right and always beautiful and always in accord with truth. There are no constraints on him from outside him that could hinder him in doing anything he pleases. All reality that is outside of him he created and designed and governs as the absolute reality. So he is utterly free from any constraints that don’t originate from the counsel of his own will.
God’s absolute being means that he is the most important and most valuable reality and the most important and most valuable person in the universe. He is more worthy of interest and attention and admiration and enjoyment than all other realities, including the entire universe.

John Piper, - Doctrine Matters

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Belajar dari kepemimpinan ahok

Bangsa kita dilanda oleh kelangkaan pemimpin yang berkualitas. Akibatnya kita diperhadapkan pada banyak masalah yang tidak terselesaikan yang mengancam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Misalnya ketidakmampuan mengontrol harga kebutuhan masyarakat sehingga daya beli masyarakat semakin berat, pelanggaran terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia yang masih terus terjadi, krisis lingkungan dan krisis energi, tragedi pengangguran dan konflik hubungan industrial yang tak kunjung terselesaikan, letupan kekerasan antar kelompok yang tidak terduga-duga, rasa aman masyarakat yang terancam setiap waktu, korupsi yang telah mengakar kuat seolah telah menjadi budaya, pelecehan terhadap hukum dan konstitusi, penyalagunaan dan perdagangan narkoba yang semakin mengkuatirkan, dll.
Banyak orang yang mengetahui dan memperingatkan tentang masalah ini tetapi hanya sedikit yang menawarkan cara-cara penanggulangannya. Perencanaan, pengetahuan dan teknik kita berlebihan tetapi yang kurang adalah kearifan dan hikmat dalam eksekusi. Akibatnya masyarakat menjadi skeptik, teralienasi dan panik. Rakyat ibarat ‘domba tanpa gembala’, sementara pemimpin kita kebanyakan tampil seperti ‘si buta yang menuntun orang buta’.
Di semua bidang terjadi krisis kepemimpinan yang tidak tanggung-tanggung. Bukan hanya pemimpin politik dan bisnis tetapi juga melanda institusi agama. Mereka terjebak dalam degradasi moral yang sangat dalam. Mereka seakan tak bisa lagi membedakan antara tangan kiri dan tangan kanan. Berjalan tanpa panduan selain mementingkan diri sendiri.
Adalah Bennie E. Goodwin mengungkapkan bahwa penyebab terjadinya krisis kepemimpinan di dunia ini karena, ‘banyak pemimpin yang hanya dilahirkan tetapi sedikit yang digembleng’. Sementara hal senada diungkapkan  Shakespeare bahwa, ‘Banyak pemimpin yang besar karena warisan/dilahirkan besar sedangkan pemimpin yang efektif adalah pemimpin yang memiliki intelek, watak dan kepribadian yang kuat sebagai bawahan. Artinya pemimpin yang memadukan antara kualitas alami dan kualitas spritual’.
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau yang akrab disapa Ahok atau Zhong Wan Xie, hadir memberikan angin segar di tengah krisis kepemimpinan yang melanda bangsa ini. Ia tidak memilih pasrah, menunggu keadaan membaik dengan sendirinya melainkan mengambil inisiatif. Ia mengambil prakarsa membuka jalan yang dapat diikuti oleh orang lain untuk mengubah Indonesia menjadi lebih baik. Walaupun di awal kehadirannya dipandang sebelah mata tetapi perlahan ia menunjukkan kinerja dan pengabdian yang tidak tanggung-tanggung, membuat mata kita terbelalak dengan kagum.
Dalam diri Ahok tercermin kepemimpinan yang memiliki visi jauh ke depan untuk merubah Indonesia lebih baik dan lebih bermartabat. Ia mengejarnya dengan dedikasi yang tinggi, kerja keras, disiplin dan ketekunan sebagai wujud pengabdiannya untuk bangsanya. Walaupun banyak tantangan yang dihadapinya tetapi ia maju tanpa kegentaran.
Ahok juga adalah pemimpin yang tidak mudah dilunakkan selain demi kepentingan kebenaran. Ia berdiri di semua golongan, menegakkan konstitusi, tidak diperbudak oleh uang dan menghargai atasannya.
Ahok berani tampil ‘marah’ di tengah apatisme dan kepasrahan rakyat kecil atas perilaku buruk pemimpinnya. Ia dengan berani menolak dengan mentah-mentah  semua hal yang tidak boleh diaminkan. Menentang hal-hal yang tidak benar tanpa kompromi. Ia meluapkan amarahnya dengan bertindak secara positif untuk memperbaiki hal-hal yang menimbulkan amarah kita. Yang hanya sering kita protes dalam kebisuan dan pesimisme.
Mengutip ungkapan George F. Will pada bulan Desember 1981, sesudah pengumuman darurat di Polandia yang mengatakan ‘Amarah kita meluap justru karena ketiadaan amarah orang-orang. Tetapi amarah sejati yang memprovokasi kita untuk bertindak secara positif’. Itulah yang dilakukan oleh Ahok yang marah dengan ‘jurus mabuknya’ sebagaimana sebutan banyak orang demi kepentingan rakyat, bangsa dan Negara. Ia ‘marah’ di tengah bangsa yang tidak banyak yang berani ‘marah’.
Akhirnya kita perlu belajar dari cara  Ahok memimpin. Memimpin tanpa pamrih menempuh jalan penuh resiko, menegakkan kebenaran, tanpa tedeng aling-aling melayani rakyatnya. Semoga yang Maha Kuasa senantiasa memeberikan kekuatan dan semangat yang selalu baru, sehingga Ahok mengakhiri ‘pertandingan’ dengan baik dan mencapai garis akhir. Sukses selalu.
