Senin, 02 November 2015

Network Marketing Is NOT The Business For The 21st Century

 Take responsibility for your finances or get used to taking orders for the rest of your life.  You’re either a master of money or a slave to it. Your choice.  [Read more] 
 Network Marketing Is NOT The Business For The 21st Century

If you are new to business and in particular network marketing then "welcome". You are the right place, we strongly believe that building a network marketing business is one of the smartest things you can do your time and money in today economy.

In order for you to be really successful in network marketing, it is important to understand why you should even borther. The truth is that it takes time, effort and energy to bulid a business. Most people are quite comfortable with where they are, so why bother?

Below are the top 20 reasons why starting a network marketing business right now is one the smartest things you can do, but first we must understanding that we are now living in a new age. " The information age". Living in the information age. For the last 2000 years of human history, we lived in the "Agrarian age". This was a time when it was all about farming. Whoever owned the farms and the land, controlled the wealth.

In the 20th Century, we moved in a new age called the "Industrial Age". The first big corporate giants including Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford, with their huge steel and car companies dominated the business world it was whoever owned the factories that controlled the wealth.

From the year 2000 onwards, with the rise of the internet we moved in to a new age. " The information age". Today, companies like twitter and facebook are changing the business world. Today, it is about building and owning networks. This has levelled the playing filed, there has never been a better time in history to build and own your business. Are you set to take advantage?
